File No. 6775/52.
The Mexican Chargé to the Acting Secretary of State.
Freeport, N. Y.,August 12, 1907.
Honorable Sir: I have the honor to inform you that, according to advice received from the minister of foreign relations of my country, my Government, in view of all the circumstances of the case, has recognized the provisional government of General Dávila in Honduras, and its neutrality, and has directed this to be officially communicated.
At the same time, I take the liberty of bringing to your notice, as I am instructed to do by my Government, the advisability of the Government of this country using its influence if deemed expedient, [Page 604] and if the Government of Guatemala be, as represented, gathering forces on the frontier of Honduras for an attack, to the end that those troops be withdrawn and the peace undisturbed in the Central American Republics.
I have, etc.,