File No. 7357/5.
The Acting Secretary of State to the Mexican Ambassador.
Washington, August 8, 1907.
Dear Mr. Ambassador: Referring to your telegram and personal letter of July 23a and to my telegram to you of July 26 in relation to the outlook for coincident or concurrent action by Mexico and the United States for the recognition of the provisional government of President Davila in Honduras, and having just had a talk with Señor Godoy on the subject, I have the pleasure to send you copy of a note from Senior Ugarte in response to the inquiries which I caused to be informally communicated to him through Señor Calvo. I then asked what steps had been taken toward the establishment of constitutional government in Honduras and toward the election of a president and congress.
I am also in receipt of a recent report from our naval commander on the Honduranean coast, in which he confirms the tranquillity of the republic and advises of the steps taken for the proclamation of a constitution and for elections on the dates mentioned by Mr. Ugarte.
Under the circumstances, and in the view and hope that the hands of Mexico and the United States may be strengthened in making cordial efforts for peace in Central America by the establishment of formal relations with Honduras, I am prepared to advise the President to recognize General Dávila’s provisional government forthwith upon ascertaining that your Government sees no obstacle to that course and is prepared to accord similar recognition.
If we decide to act in unison in this sense, might it not be expedient to assign a common date for Mexican and American action?
So far as we are concerned, recognition would be effected by a cable instruction to Minister Lee (who may be deemed to continue to represent the United States near the Government of Honduras until his successor arrives), and by notifying Señor Ugarte that the President will receive him as the minister of the provisional government of General Dávila.
I am, etc.,
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