File No. 6775/122–123.
The President of Mexico to President Roosevelt.
I have had the honor to receive Your Excellency’s telegram dated the 14th instant in reply to mine of the 30th of August relative to the motion of the minister of Nicaragua and to the wish of the presidents of the other Central American Republics being consulted as to the place where the proposed conference should meet. I note, with genuine satisfaction, that, on the motion of the minister of Costa Rica it has been agreed to hold the said conference in Washington [Page 647] during the first fifteen days of November next and that the five ministers of the said Republics, duly empowered, signed a preliminary agreement for the maintenance of peace by their Governments until the conference shall have taken effect. The draft of telegrams which Your Excellency graciously submits to my judgment appears to me to meet the case entirely and I will therefore send one substantially like it to-morrow to the five presidents of Central America, hoping that Your Excellency will be pleased to send yours on the same day.