File No. 1229/6.
Mr. Howard (for the British Ambassador) to Secretary of State.
Washington, April 22, 1907.
Sir: In accordance with instructions which I have received from His Majesty’s principal secretary of state for foreign affairs, I have the honor to inform you that the German Government have formally notified to His Majesty’s Government their decision to discontinue in the future the exercise of their extraterritorial jurisdiction in Zanzibar, in accordance with the Anglo-German agreement of November 14, 1899.
The United States, as you are aware, by the treaty of February 25, 1905, undertakes to relinquish extraterritorial rights in Zanzibar as soon as such rights shall have been renounced by the other nations enjoying them.
In view therefore of the action now taken by Germany, the last remaining nation to exercise extraterritorial rights, I am directed to express the hope of His Majesty’s Government that the Government of the United States may see their way to adopt a similar course Avith as little delay as may be convenient.
Mr. Bacon’s suggestion, made in his note No. 26 of April 6, that the United States and Germany should each address identical notes on the same date to the British Government was duly communicated to Sir Edward Grey. Prior to its receipt, however, the German Government had already announced their renunciation. I have, etc.,
(For the Ambassador.)