Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, With the Annual Message of the President Transmitted to Congress December 3, 1907, (In two parts), Part I

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, With the Annual Message of the President Transmitted to Congress December 3, 1907, (In two parts), Part I
United States Government Printing Office
- Message of the President, annual
- List of papers with subjects of correspondence
- Correspondence
Circulars (Documents 1–8)- Regulations for the prevention of collisions at sea (Document 1)
- Expatriation (Document 2)
- Registration of American citizens (Document 3)
- Reports of fraudulent naturalization (Document 4)
- Children of citizens born abroad (Document 5)
- Registration of women who desire to resume or retain American
citizenship (Document 6)
- Issuance of passports (Document 7)
- Cruise of the Atlantic Fleet to the Pacific Coast (Document 8)
- Regulations for the prevention of collisions at sea (Document 1)
- Argentine Republic (Documents 9–46)
- Revolutionary disturbances (Documents 9–14)
- Message of the President of the Argentine Republic to the Argentine
Congress (Document 15)
- Boundary dispute between the Argentine Republic and Brazil (Document 16)
- Rejection of shipment of deviled ham (Documents 17–37)
- Registration of the child of a diplomatic officer born abroad (Documents 38–39)
- Bonds of the Entre Rios Eastern Railway Company (Documents 40–41)
- Amendment of the Argentine customs regulations (Documents 42–43)
- Railway-concession law (Documents 44–45)
- Convention between Argentine Republic and the Republic of Uruguay,
concerning letters rogatory (Document 46)
- Revolutionary disturbances (Documents 9–14)
- Austria Hungary (Documents 47–65)
- Military service of Peter Szatkowski (Documents 47–50)
- Request for the observance by the several States of the provision of
Article XVI of the consular convention concerning notice of deceased
Austro-Hungarians in the United States whose heirs or executors are
unknown (Documents 51–54)
- Universal suffrage in Austria (Documents 55–57)
- Foreigners killed or injured while in the service of the United States
Government (Documents 58–59)
- Imperial speech to parliament (Document 60)
- Copyright agreement with Austria (Document 61)
- Admission of American meats into Austria (Documents 62–65)
- Military service of Peter Szatkowski (Documents 47–50)
- Belgium (Documents 66–80)
- Brussels Sugar Convention of March, 1902 (Documents 66–69)
- Emigration agents of South Carolina, Louisiana, and Virginia in
Europe (Documents 70–74)
- Convention between Belgium and Sweden relative to property rights (Document 75)
- Discrimination against American products (Documents 76–77)
- International convention for the regulation of the traffic of spirits in
Africa (Document 78)
- Convention Revising the Duties Imposed by the Brussels Convention of June
8, 1899, on Spirituous Liquors Imported into certain regions of
Africa. (Document 79)
- Additional extradition treaty between Belgium and Great Britain (Document 80)
- Investigation of affairs in the Kongo.
- Brussels Sugar Convention of March, 1902 (Documents 66–69)
- Bolivia (Documents 81–83)
- Financial conditions (Document 81)
- Arrangement for the settlement of the boundary dispute between Bolivia and
Paraguay (Documents 82–83)
- Financial conditions (Document 81)
- Brazil (Documents 84–99)
- Preferential tariff concessions in favor of American products (Documents 84–91)
- Brazilian immigration regulations (Document 92)
- Agreements between Brazil and Colombia (Document 93)
- Regulations concerning the expulsion of foreigners from Brazil (Documents 94–96)
- Denunciation of treaties between Brazil and certain other powers (Documents 97–99)
- Preferential tariff concessions in favor of American products (Documents 84–91)
- Bulgaria (Documents 100–101)
- Commercial arrangements between Bulgaria and Turkey (Documents 100–101)
- Commercial arrangements between Bulgaria and Turkey (Documents 100–101)
- Chile (Documents 102–104)
- China (Documents 105–244)
- Open-door policy in Manchuria; establishment of customs-houses and opening
of ports to international trade (Documents 105–115)
- Restrictions upon the importation, growth, and use of opium (Documents 116–152)
- Payment of the Chinese indemnity; return by the United States of a portion
of its allotment (Documents 153–155)
- Protection of foreign missions in China (Documents 156–157)
- Governmental and educational reforms in China (Documents 158–168)
- Regulations restricting the importation of arms and ammunition (Documents 169–173)
- Stamping of deeds for property purchased for missionary purposes (Documents 174–178)
- Settlement of the Lienchow indemnity (Documents 179–185)
- Foreign settlements in China and Manchuria (Documents 186–189)
- Reservation of American rights in the extension of the Japanese concession
at Hankau (Documents 190–191)
- Customs and inland taxation (Documents 192–203)
- Reciprocal protection of trade-marks and copyrights in China (Documents 204–225)
- Agreement between the United States and Denmark for the protection of
trade-marks in China. (Documents 226–229)
- Agreement effected by exchange of notes. (Documents 226–229)
- Agreement effected by exchange of notes. (Documents 226–229)
- Issuance and visa of Section 6, Chinese certificates (Documents 230–244)
- Open-door policy in Manchuria; establishment of customs-houses and opening
of ports to international trade (Documents 105–115)
- Colombia (Documents 245–252)
- Message of the President of Colombia to the Colombian Congress (Document 245)
- Claim of Ricardo A. Deeb v. Colombia (Documents 246–248)
- Boundary and navigation treaty between Colombia and Brazil (Document 249)
- Denunciation of the modus vivendi concerning the boundary between Colombia
and Peru (Document 250)
- Claim of the Chilean steamer Lautaro, destroyed
while in the service of the Department of Panama, v.
Colombia (Document 251)
- Provision for the assembling of the constitutional congress (Document 252)
- Message of the President of Colombia to the Colombian Congress (Document 245)
- Cuba (Documents 253–258)
- Cuban bonds of June 1, 1869 (Documents 253–256)
- Provision for the settlement of claims growing out of the late Cuban
insurrection (Document 257)
- Sanitation of Cuban cities (Document 258)
- Cuban bonds of June 1, 1869 (Documents 253–256)
- Denmark (Documents 259–261)
- Dominican Republic (Documents 262–277)
- Financial affairs in the Dominican Republic (Document 262)
- Convention between the United States of America and the Dominican Republic
providing for the assistance of the United States in the collection and
application of the customs revenues of the Dominican Republic, The Enabling
Act, and other correspondence relative to the interpretation and enforcement
of the treaty (Documents 263–271)
- Final report of the transactions of the Dominican customs receivership
under the modus vivendi, covering the twenty-eight months, April 21, 1905,
to July 31, 1907 (Document 272)
- Review of the transactions of the customs receivership of Santo Domingo
during the second year of its operation, April 1, 1906–March 31, 1907, with
collateral exhibits and remarks (Document 273)
- Political affairs in the Dominican Republic (Document 274)
- Constituent convention of 1907 and constitution promulgated on September
9, 1907 (Documents 275–276)
- Dominican trade-mark law (Document 277)
- Financial affairs in the Dominican Republic (Document 262)
- Ecuador (Documents 278–293)
- France (Documents 294–338)
- Claim of Messrs. Laurent and Lambert v. The United
States for losses sustained during the Spanish-American war (Documents 294–297)
- Liability of A Government for the individual acts of its
Soldiers. (Documents 294–297)
- Liability of A Government for the individual acts of its
Soldiers. (Documents 294–297)
- Accidental killing of Lieut. Clarence England, U. S. Navy, by stray
bullets from a French warship engaged in rifle practice (Documents 298–302)
- Discrimination against American meat products (Documents 303–312)
- Extradition of Frederick Lodge Jacobs, an American citizen, to the
Argentine Republic from France (Documents 313–331)
- Agreement between Great Britain, France, and Italy in regard to the
importation of arms and ammunition into Abyssinia (Document 332)
- Disaster to the French war ship Jena (Documents 333–334)
- Attempt against the life of the President of the French Republic (Document 335)
- Convention between France and Great Britian for the prevention of fraud in
succession duties (Document 336)
- Agreement between France and Spain for the maintenance of their
territorial status quo in the Mediterranean and on the Atlantic coasts of
Europe and Africa (Document 337)
- International sanitary convention (Document 338)
- Claim of Messrs. Laurent and Lambert v. The United
States for losses sustained during the Spanish-American war (Documents 294–297)
- Germany (Documents 339–392)
- Commercial agreement between the United States and Germany, signed at
Washington, April 22, 1907; at Levico, May 2, 1907 (Documents 339–341)
- Application to other countries of the administrative provisions of the
commercial agreement between the United States and Germany (Documents 342–375)
- Austria-Hungary (Documents 342–350)
- France (Documents 351–354)
- Great Britain (Documents 355–368)
- Italy (Documents 369–371)
- Switzerland (Documents 372–375)
- Austria-Hungary (Documents 342–350)
- Interpretation of the word “champagne” as used in the commercial agreement
between the United States and Germany (Documents 376–377)
- Extension of the provisions of the naturalization treaties between the
United States and Germany to Alsace-Lorraine (Documents 378–379)
- Military service case of Henry Schultheis (Documents 380–381)
- Citizenship of persons born in the United States of German parents and
living in Germany (Documents 382–383)
- Punishment for crime committed before, and not mentioned in, extradition
proceedings (Documents 384–385)
- Marriage of American citizens in Germany or on German territory (Documents 386–388)
- Military service case of George Ahl (Documents 389–390)
- Diplomatic immunities of an ambassador’s household (Documents 391–392)
- Commercial agreement between the United States and Germany, signed at
Washington, April 22, 1907; at Levico, May 2, 1907 (Documents 339–341)
- Great Britain (Documents 393–460)
- Newfoundland fishery question (Documents 393–395)
- Fishery rights in the Magdalena Islands—case of the Alert (Documents 396–401)
- Agreement between Great Britain and Spain for the preservation of their
territorial status quo in the Mediterranean and on the Atlantic coasts of
Europe and Africa (Document 402)
- Marriage of British subjects with foreigners (Documents 403–405)
- Arrangement by an exchange of notes, concerning the administration and
lease of certain small islands on the North Bornean coast by the British
North Borneo Company (Documents 406–414)
- Convention between Great Britain and Russia concerning the interests of
their States on the continent of Asia (Document 415)
- Requirements for the registration of American medical practitioners in the
British possessions in the Far East (Documents 416–418)
- Earthquake in Jamaica (Documents 419–442)
- Renunciation of extraterritorial rights in Zanzibar (Documents 443–457)
- Supplementary convention between the United States and Great Britain for
the extradition of criminals (Document 458)
- Commercial agreement with Great Britain (Document 459)
- Agreement between the United Kingdom, France, and Italy respecting
Abyssinia (Document 460)
- Greece (Documents 461–469)
- Protection of citizens or subjects of Governments that are without
diplomatic representatives in Greece (Documents 461–462)
- Requirements in regard to the practice of dentistry (Documents 463–464)
- Extradition treaties of Greece with France and Germany (Document 465)
- Conditions in Crete (Documents 466–469)
- Protection of citizens or subjects of Governments that are without
diplomatic representatives in Greece (Documents 461–462)