File No. 4001/136.

The British Chargé to the Secretary of State.

No. 142.]

Sir: I have the honor to state that your note, No. 50, of May 1, intimating to me on behalf of the Navy Department that no charges lie against the government of Jamaica for the stores sent to Kingston by the American Atlantic Fleet at the time of the earthquake was communicated by the embassy to the governor of the island.

The governor has now requested me to convey to you, and through you to the United States Government, an expression of his sincere thanks on behalf of the Jamaican government and of the sufferers for the articles so generously and promptly supplied, and to express his grateful appreciation of the action taken by the President and the Congress in declaring that no charge should lie against the colonial government in consequence of the issue of these stores.

I have much pleasure in hereby giving effect to the wishes of the governor of Jamaica, and I have, etc.,

Esme Howard,

(In the absence of His Majesty’s ambassador).