File No. 4001/18.
The Acting Secretary of State to the British Chargé.
Washington, January 26, 1907.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 22d instant, in which you inform me, with reference to this Government’s offer to render further assistance in the form of monetary contributions or otherwise to the sufferers from the Kingston earth [Page 565] quake, that His Majesty’s Government feel that probably no further assistance will be required, now that the difficulties created during the first few days of the disaster have been overcome. You are so good as to add an expression of the appreciation of His Majesty’s Government for the assistance afforded by the chief engineer on the Panama Canal works in sending a special steamer to Jamaica with supplies and tents, and you express, in addition, the thanks of the governor and the people of Jamaica for American sympathy and the assistance rendered by Rear-Admiral Davis, his officers and men, and Lieutenant-Commander Anderson for surgical aid carried by him to the island.
I feel assured that I can add to this formal acknowledgment sincere expression of the appreciation with which the sentiments so cordially conveyed in your note are received, not alone by the Government of the United States, but by the American people.
I have, etc.,