File No. 1199/268–269.

Minister McCreery to the Secretary of State.

No. 43.]

Sir: I have the honor to confirm my telegram of the 12th instant, as follows:

Congress met 10th and organized period. Yesterday President’s message was read, enabling act submittted and referred to committee on finance.

I also confirm my telegram of the 16th instant, as follows:

Congress to-day passed act authorizing executive power to issue and sell bonds as required by the convention.

I inclose copy and translation of an act passed by the Dominican Congress on the 16th instant, approved by the President on the 17th instant and published in the Official Gazette on the 18th instant, authorizing the executive power to issue and sell, through the secretary of finance and commerce, in such form and denominations as it may deem for the best interest of the Republic, bonds to the amount of $20,000,000 gold, secured by the Dominican-American convention of February 8, 1907, and by the import and export duties collected in the Republic, and in accordance with the provisions thereof, and payable in fifty years, bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, payable semiannually, and redeemable after ten years at 102½ per [Page 321] cent and requiring payment of at least 1 per cent per annum for amortization, under such regulations as the secretary of finance and commerce may prescribe.

The act exempts the bonds and interest from all taxes and duties now or hereafter established by the Republic, and provides that the bonds shall conform to the provisions of the convention, shall contain such provisions as the secretary of finance and commerce may prescribe, and that each bond shall bear a certificate executed by said secretary or the fiscal agent, authenticating such bond as a bond issued under the provisions of the convention.

The act also provides that the bonds or the proceeds thereof shall be applied by the executive power to the objects mentioned in the convention; and provides for the appointment by the executive power of a depositary, an agent, and registrar of transfers, and a fiscal agent to act in connection with the issue and sale of the bonds, and the receipt and distribution of the proceeds thereof, and in connection with the adjustment and settlement of debts, claims, and concessions, and in connection with the service of the loan, in accordance with the provisions of the convention; and provides that the executive power shall fix the compensation for these services within certain mentioned limitations.

In my telegram of June 22, 1907, relative to the loan contracts as changed and amended by the Dominican Congress, I mentioned that the minister for foreign affairs had said on that date that, should the amended contracts not be accepted by the bankers, the Congress would be convened whenever necessary to pass upon any changes made by the bankers in the amended contracts.

I have, etc.,

Fenton R. McCreery.

Act of Dominican Congress Authorizing Executive to Issue and Sell $20,000,000 Bonds.

[From Gaceta Oficial, September 18, 1907.]

Legislative Branch.

The national congress, in the name of the Republic, on the initiative of the executive, the matter being declared urgent;

By virtue of the powers conferred upon it by article 23 of the constitution; in order to comply with the provisions of the convention concluded between the Republic and the United States of America on February 8, 1907, and approved by this high body on May 3 of the same year; and in order to provide for the execution, issue, and sale of the bonds to which said convention refers; in view of the decree in which the loan for which the bonds are to be issued and sold is declared to be of public utility; resolves:

  • Article 1. To authorize the executive, through the secretary of finance and commerce, in the form and denominations and under the conditions which he deems most suitable to the interests of the Republic, with the security of the above-mentioned convention, and secured by the export and import duties collected in the Republic in accordance with the stipulations thereof, to emit and sell bonds of the Republic to an amount not to exceed 20,000,000 gold dollars of the United States of America at the present standard of weight and purity, bearing interest at 5 per cent per annum, payable semiannually in said gold coin, extinguishable by sinking fund in fifty years and redeemable after the lapse of ten years, at 102½ per cent of their face value, a payment of at least 1 per cent per year being required for their extinction, in accordance with the regulations to be issued by the said secretary of finance and commerce. [Page 322]
    • (Additional) paragraph 1. Both the bonds and the interest which they bear shall be exempt from all taxes or duties, existing or to be established in future by the Republic.
    • (Additional) paragraph 2. The bonds which are issued must be in accordance with the stipulations of the convention dated February 8, 1907, approved by this high body on May 3 of the same year. They must embody the provisions adopted by the secretary of finance and commerce, and a certificate must be attached to each in the form and with the provisions prescribed by said secretary of finance and commerce, the certificate to be signed by him or the fiscal agent. The certificate shall state that the bonds are issued by virtue of the provisions of the aforementioned convention.
  • Art. 2. These bonds or the proceeds therefrom shall be applied by the executive to the purposes indicated in the convention.
  • Art. 3. The executive is also authorized to appoint a depositary, an agent, and a recorder of transfers, as well as a fiscal agent, who shall be engaged in connection with the issue and sale of the bonds, with the receipt and distribution of the proceeds of said sale, with the adjustment and settlement of debts, claims, and concessions, and with the payment of interest, etc., on the loan, in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned convention.
  • (Additional) paragraph. One single company, bank, or association of private bankers may act as depositary, agent, and recorder of transfers, and fiscal agent, or these duties may be intrusted to different agents, according as the executive shall deem best, it being the duty of the said executive to determine the powers and duties belonging to each of them, and to pay or agree to pay such remuneration as he deems most proper for their services, though the pay of the depositary shall not exceed one-half per cent of the total sum paid to the holders of bonds of the Republic, of claims, and of concessions, who have accepted the adjustment proposed, or the adjustment which may be reserved for the payment of debts, claims, and concessions of those holders who may not have accepted the adjustment proposed, besides the expenses incurred by the depositary in acting as such; nor more than $250 per year to the agent and recorder of transfers, and also not more than $0.50 to the fiscal agent for each certificate of authenticity which he issues for each bond, nor more than $10,000 per year for the incidental expenses incurred by the said fiscal agent in the operations connected with the payment of interest, etc., on the loan (“service” of the loan).

The executive is also authorized to pay from the proceeds of said bonds the sum necessary to cover the expenses of preparation, issue, and sale thereof.

This resolution abrogates every other law, decree, or resolution which is contrary to it.

Let it be sent to the executive for the purposes of the constitution.

  • Ramon O. Lovaton,
  • A. Acevedo,
  • C. A. Nouel,