File No. 167/105–106.

Minister Rockhill to the Secretary of State.

No. 650.]

Sir: With reference to the Lienchou massacre in October, 1905 (department’s file No. 167), and the conditions of punishment insisted upon by the American Government in settlement of the case, I have the honor to inclose herewith a copy of a dispatch from our consul-general at Canton stating that Chiu Ut Yeung, accused of the murder of Mrs. Edward C. Machle, one of the victims of the massacre, has been found guilty of the crime and executed under orders from the viceroy, Chou Fu.

I have, etc.,

W. W. Rockhill.

Consul-General Bergholz to Minister Rockhill.

Sir: Referring to my No. 73, of April 11, 1907, advising you of the arrest at Canton of Chiu Ut Yeung, accused of the killing of Mrs. Machle, at Lienchou, in October of 1905 and of his being sent to that city for trial, I have now the honor to inform you that he was found guilty of the crime and, under orders from Viceroy Chou Fu, beheaded. His execution has been confirmed by the Reverend Mr. Edwards, at Lienchou, who merely states the fact without giving any details, which, however, you will find in the inclosed translation of a dispatch, dated May 28, from the viceroy, with a copy attached.

Leo Bergholz.