File No. 2413/63–64.

The Acting Secretary of State to Minister Rockhill.

No. 324.]

Sir: Referring to instruction No. 317, of the 18th ultimo,a I inclose herewith, for your information and the legation’s files, a copy of the translation of a telegram dated the 24th ultimo, from the Waiwu Pu to the Chinese minister, expressing the thanks of the Emperor for the President’s expression of his purpose to ask Congress for authority to reform the agreement with China respecting the indemnity.

The telegram was handed to the President personally by the Chinese minister on the 27th ultimo.

I am, etc.,

Robert Bacon.
[Page 176]

The Wai-wu Pu to the Chinese Minister.


Your telegraphic report on the remission of the indemnity having been laid before the Emperor, you are commanded to convey to the President of the United States His Majesty’s warm thanks for this noble exhibition of his friendship toward China, which is deeply and gratefully appreciated, by having alone taken the lead in a matter of international justice.

  1. Not printed.