File No. 774/54.
The Secretary of State to the Danish Minister.
Washington,May 6, 1907.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Mr. Brun’s note of the 26th ultimo, in which he inquires whether the exportation of opium, morphia, and hypodermic syringes to China has been prohibited by the United States, conformably to article 16 of the treaty with China of October 8, 1903; and if so, in what manner.
In reply I have the honor to say that article 16 of the treaty of 1903 is unilateral. The United States simply consents to the prohibition by the Government of China of the importation into China of morphia and of instruments for its injection. No legislative action by the United States thereunder is necessary. Citizens of the United States are forbidden to import opium into China by the law of February 23, 1887, providing for the execution of the provisions of article 2 of the treaty between the United States and China of November 17, 1880.
I inclose a print of the treaty of November 17, 1880,a and a copy of the law of February 23, 1887.a
Accept, etc.,