The Acting Secretary of State to Ambassador White.

No. 121.]

Sir: Referring to the department’s No. 114 of the 20th ultimo, transmitting correspondence between the Secretary of Agriculture and Messrs. Armour & Co., concerning the inspection of meat and meat products exported from this country, I inclose herewith a copy [Page 956] of a letter from the Secretary of Agriculturea by which he advises the department that inspection under the law approved June 30, 1906, will probably commence in some establishments next week.

You will make formal notification in the sense of the letter of the Secretary of Agriculture, emphasizing his statement that all products which leave an establishment for interstate or foreign shipment, after the inauguration of inspection, will be so marked as to indicate that they have been inspected and passed according to this recent law.

I am, etc.,

Robert Bacon.
  1. Not printed.