Ambassador White to the Secretary of State.

No. 167.]

Sir: Referring to your telegraphic instruction of January 20 last, I have the honor to inclose copies thereof and of my reply of this date stating that I yesterday signed, in behalf of the United States, the convention for the creation of an international institute of agriculture.

I also inclose a copy of the “Pro Memoria,”a which I handed Count Guicciardini, the minister for foreign affairs, stating that our Government adheres to the convention subject to the advice and consent of the Senate and to the enactment of legislation by Congress to give the convention effect in so far as concerns the United States.

In this connection I have the honor to inclose a printed documenta which I have to-day received from the Marquis Cappelli, one of the Italian delegates at the agricultural conference last year, which speaks for itself.

I have, etc.,

Henry White.
  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.