The Secretary of State to the Russian Ambassador.
Washington, April 19, 1906.
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your second note of the 12th instant and to inform you that the Government of the United States cheerfully gives its assent to the course proposed in the said note for permitting the adhesion to the convention for the pacific settlement of international disputes, in accordance with article 60 of that convention, on the part of the powers which did not take part in the First Conference at The Hague.
It is the understanding of the United States that should the other powers who took part in that conference assent to the proposal of your note of April 12, that assent in itself will have the effect of making it certain that the adhesion of the powers which did not take part in the First Conference will be accepted, so that their representatives can go to the Second Conference without feeling that there is any uncertainty as to whether they can take full part in the conference.
[Page 1635]Under this view of the effect of the proposal of your note of April 12, the United States considers it as fully meeting the suggestion of my note to you of April 13, which was written before your second note of the 12th had been brought to my attention.
Accept, etc.,