The Russian Ambassador to the Secretary of State.
Washington, April 6, 1906.
Mr. Secretary of State: In continuation of my note of the 3d instant, I have the honor to communicate to your excellency the text of a telegram I have just received from Count Lamsdorff:
It is mainly in deference to the wish of Holland that the second half of July has been proposed as the time of meeting of the conference at The Hague. The Dutch Government believes that the Geneva Conference will have completed its labors by that time and the palace destined for the peace conference must be ready in September to receive the States-General. If it be impossible to convene the conference in July, the meeting must be postponed to a very remote date, as there is no other available building at The Hague.
Attaching special importance to the participation of the two Americas in the conference, and believing that the United States shares the general desire for the earliest possible meeting, we have proposed the date suggested by Holland.
Your excellency will notice from the foregoing that the date proposed for the meeting of the conference is the second half of July of the present year, corresponding to the first half in the Russian calendar, which is erroneously mentioned in my previous note.
Be pleased to accept, etc.,