The Secretary of State to Ambassador White.

My Dear Mr. White: The authenticated copy of the convention signed at Algeciras has been received from the Spanish Government and has been laid before the Senate with a view to its advice and consent.

I wish to express to you the high approval with which the President and the Department of State regard your performance of the duty imposed upon you as the first representative of the United States in the conference at Algeciras. Your task was exceedingly delicate and difficult, and it was admirably performed. Your colleague and yourself appear to have worked together with entire harmony. You evidently secured an esteem and kindly feeling among the other delegates to the congress which gave weight and consideration to your opinions and wishes. You have avoided any results which might have been distasteful to the United States and have contributed materially to the settlement of a controversy which threatened the peace of Europe. The President is much gratified and feels that his selection of representatives has been abundantly justified.

With great respect, etc.,

Elihu Root.