Delegates White and Gummeré to the Secretary of State.

No. 11.]

Sir: Referring to our dispatch No. 9 of the 3d instant and to your telegram of the 5th, of which we inclose the copy, Ave have the honor to inform you that at the session of the conference held this morning, Mr. White made the following declaration in behalf of our delegation:

[Translation of the declaration made in the French language.]

The Government of the United States, having no political interest in Morocco and no desire or purpose having animated it to take part in this conference other than to secure for all peoples the widest equality of trade and privilege with Morocco and to facilitate the institution of reforms in that country tending to insure complete cordiality of intercourse without and stability of administration within, for the common good, declares that, in acquiescing in the regulations and declarations of the conference, in becoming a signatory to the general act of Algeciras, subject to ratification according to constitutional procedure, and in accepting the application of those regulations and declarations to American citizens and interests in Morocco, it does so without assuming obligations or responsibility for the enforcement thereof.

We thereafter signed the general act of the conference and the “Protocol additionnel” relative to the mission to Fez of the Italian minister, our signatures to both documents being preceded by the words:

[Translation into English.]

with reservation of the declaration made in the plenary session of the conference on April 7, 1906.

We inclose copies of these documents.

[Page 1493]

The official copies duly certified by the Spanish Government will be forwarded to you in due course, as provided by the signatory clause of the general act, through the ordinary diplomatic channel.

You will observe that under article 56 it is necessary within four weeks from this day that the Spanish Government be notified in the event of our desiring to avail ourselves of the share in the capital of the state bank, to which we are entitled.

We inclose a confirmation of the telegrama we have sent you to-day announcing the termination of the conference; also official reports of the seventeenth and eighteenth meetings, the latter being that of to-day.

We have, etc.,

  • Henry White.
  • S. R. Gummeré.
  1. Not printed.