Minister Russell to the Secretary of State.

No. 95.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that on the 16th instant General Castro named a new cabinet, as follows:

  • Interior—Dr. Julio Torres-Cardenas.
  • Foreign affairs—Dr. José de J. Paúl.
  • Finance—Dr. Eduardo Celis.
  • War and marine—Gen. Manuel Salvador Araujo.
  • Fomento—Jesus M. Herrera Irigoyen.
  • Public works—Juan Casanova.
  • Public Instruction—Dr. Laureno Villanueva.
  • Governor of the Federal District—Dr. Luis Mata Illas.

The new minister of interior, Doctor Torres-Cardenas, has been secretary-general to the President ever since the latter came to power and is one of his most trusted advisers.

The new minister for foreign affairs, Dr. José de J. Paúl, holds over from the last cabinet. The new minister for finance, Doctor [Page 1448] Celis, was formerly collector of the port at La Guaira, and is said to be a very capable man.

The new minister of war, General Araujo, was one of Castro’s fighters in the last revolution and has lately been commandant of arms of the Federal District.

The new minister of fomento, Mr. Herrera Irigoyen, is the owner and editor of El Cojo, a Caracas illustrated monthly magazine.

The new minister of public works, Mr. Casanova, is a rich planter, and a member of one of the prominent families of Caracas.

The new minister of public instruction, Doctor Villanueva, was rector of the university before he was called to the cabinet.

The new governor of the Federal District, Dr. Luis Mata, was minister of public works in the old cabinet.

I am, etc.,

William W. Russell.