Minister Russell to the Secretary of State.
Caracas, June 24, 1906.
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that the “acclamation” delegates from all the States and Territories of the Republic went to La Victoria and presented to General Castro the petitions from the people to return to power. General Castro informed the delegates that he would take charge of the presidency on July 5, Venezuela’s independence day.
The occasion of General Castro’s return to power is to be made one of much ceremony. Official orders have been issued containing the programme to be observed on July 4 and 5; the President entering Caracas on July 4. Triumphal arches are to be erected along the route from the station to the President’s residence. General Gomez is to give a grand ball on the evening of July 4, and other balls and receptions are to follow for some time after.
I am, etc.,