Minister Russell to the Secretary of State.
Caracas, May 27, 1906.
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that General Castro returned to Caracas on the 14th instant, and that on the 17th instant General Gomez announced a new cabinet, as follows:
- Interior—Dr. Leopoldo Baptista.
- Foreign affairs—Dr. Jose de J. Paul.
- Finance and public credit—Francisco de Salas Perez.
- War and marine—Gen. Diego Bta. Ferrer.
- Fomento—Gen. Aristides Telleria.
- Public works—Dr. Luis Mata.
- Public instruction—Dr. Carlos Leon.
- Governor of Federal District—Gen. Alejandro Ybarra.
The new cabinet is an exceptionally strong one, and appears to have given general satisfaction.
The new minister of interior, Doctor Baptista, comes from one of the most prominent families in Los Andes, and has been a member of former cabinets. He is a very intelligent man, and in the last revolution took the field at the head of an army division on the side of General Castro and won renown as a fighter.
The new minister for foreign affairs, Doctor Paul, is well known to the department as special commissioner to the United States last year, and also Venezuelan commissioner in the arbitration of French claims by Judge Plumley.
The new minister of finance, Francisco de Salas Perez, comes from the governorship of the State of Carabobo, where he made an excellent record.
The new minister of war and marine, General Ferrer, was minister of fomento in the old cabinet.
[Page 1443]The new minister of fomento, General Telleria, was president of the State of Coro at the beginning of the Matos revolution, when the State was captured by the revolutionists, and General Telleria has been out of office since that time.
The new minister of public works, Doctor Mata, comes from the governorship of the Territory of the Amazon.
The new minister of public instruction, Doctor Leon, is a prominent lawyer, and up to a few months ago was a member of the high federal court.
The new governor of the Federal District, General Ybarra, comes from the portfolio of foreign affairs in the old cabinet.
I am, etc.,