The Secretary of State to Minister Russell.
Department of State,
Washington, January 20, 1906.
Washington, January 20, 1906.
(Mr. Root states, referring to the department’s telegram December 27 and Mr. Russell’s reply of 29th, that Minister Barrett telegraphs as follows at the request of Colombian minister for foreign affairs:
- First. The present prefect at Cucuta being persona non grata to the President of Venezuela, the President of Colombia, desirous of promoting amicable relations with Venezuela, will appoint a new prefect.
- Second. The Government of Colombia, through her confidential agent, has expressed desire to Venezuela that both Governments, in accordance with the protocol of the 8th last December, would appoint plenipotentaries and resume diplomatic relations on the 1st next February.
Mr. Root further states that Mr. Barrett adds that the minister for foreign affairs will be grateful if our good offices can be used toward Venezuelan acceptance of Colombian suggestion. Mr. Root directs Mr. Russell to do under the circumstances what courtesy, friendship, and good offices permit toward resumption of friendly relations.)