Chargé Vignaud to the Secretary of State.
Paris, February 16, 1906.
Sir: I have to acknowledge receipt of your cable of the 8th [7th] instant concerning the taking charge, by our consuls, of the archives of the Venezuelan consulates at certain posts in France, which formed the basis of a note addressed to the foreign office on the same day.
Receiving no reply, I called on the minister and ascertained that the delay was due to the fact that the Government had not yet been exactly informed as to the true character of the action of the Venezuelan Government with regard to the French consuls and that M. Jusserand had been telegraphed to for information on the subject.
On the 14th instant M. Rouvier wrote that there was no objection to the proposed arrangement, provided our consuls would confine themselves simply to the custody of the Venezuelan archives and would not presume to exercise any consular function for the Venezuelan Government. This being in accordance with what this embassy was instructed to ask by your cable of the 8th, I notified the consuls accordingly.
Inclosed please find copy of your cable, of Mr. Rouvier’s note, together with a translation of the same, and of my circular notice to the consuls named in your cable.
I have, etc.,