Minister Leishman to the Secretary of State.
Constantinople, February 15, 1906.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch No. 996 of January 30, 1906, inclosing copy of the note addressed to Mr. Oscar S. Straus in reply to the communication addressed to the [Page 1419] President by Mr. James B. Reynolds, presenting a petition numerously signed by influential representative men in France, Italy, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Great Britain, Holland, Germany, and Austria-Hungary, appealing to the President to take action to prevent the cruelties suffered by the Armenian subjects of Turkey.
I note with much interest the position assumed by the department regarding this matter, and might add that the action of the President in declining to offer any interference will no doubt prove a great relief not only to the Sultan but also to the European powers, who find the Turkish question a most difficult problem to solve. The mere suggestion of a conference was sufficient to cause considerable worry and anxiety.
I have, etc.,