The Secretary of State to Minister Leishman.

No. 1046.]

Sir: By instruction No. 1460, of May 26, 1897 (Foreign Relations, 1897, p. 589), the department requested Mr. Terrell to furnish, with as little delay as possible, “a copy of the special law governing the holding of real estate in Turkey by subjects of Ottoman birth who [Page 1411] have changed their nationality, referred to in article 1 of the legislative enactments, printed on page 826 of the volume of Treaties and Conventions between the United States and other Powers, edition of 1889.” Mr. Terrell replied, No. 1323, July 5, 1897, that the special law had not then been enacted. Since that time there appears to have been no further communication from your legation on the subject.

The department requests you to report the present status of the “special law” and, if it has been put into force, to transmit a copy thereof at an early date.

I am, etc.,

Elihu Root.