The Acting Secretary of State to Chargé Jay.
Washington, May 5, 1906.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch, No. 1360, of the 19th ultimo, inclosing a copy of a note from the Sublime Porte in which it is stated that the permission requested by the legation in August, 1905, for the erection of two new buildings at the Salonica Industrial School can not be granted. You also report that the work of putting up buildings for the American missionary [Page 1391] school at Cæsarea had begun, but that the workmen were intimidated by the local authorities and the work stopped.
The department approves your answer to the Porte, in which you stated that you could not discuss any objection raised at this late date, in view of the fact that as no objections had been raised by the Porte during the six months after the application had been made, as provided by the Mitylene agreement, it was considered that the permission had been granted and the missionaries had been so informed.
You will insist on the point made by you being respected.
I am, etc.,