Minister Leishman to the Secretary of State.
Constantinople, March 3, 1906.
Sir: I beg to inclose herewith for the information of the department copy of recent correspondence exchanged with Mr. W. W. Peet regarding the question of schools, etc.a
[Page 1385]There has been no new development of any particular importance since my last dispatch to the department on this subject, but my note to Mr. Peet, which practically sums up result of several interviews with Doctor Bliss and Mr. Peet, contains certain detailed information which was written with an idea of enlightening the American board of missions in New York, and although somewhat lengthy, it will probably be found worthy of perusal by the department, as it outlines the position of the legation regarding this complicated question.
In conclusion, I might add that since writing the above-mentioned note to Mr. Peet I have been informed by the Porte that the first batch of institutions submitted for formal ratification and transfer of title into the name of the several institutions has finally been approved by the council of state and sent to the palace with a favorable recommendation by the council of ministers and now awaits the Sultan’s approval.
I have, etc.,
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