Minister Graves to the Secretary of State.

Sir: Owing to the dissolution of the union between Sweden and Norway, the Government of Sweden took up last autumn the reorganization of its diplomatic and consular service, and appointed a royal commission, which has made an exhaustive study of the problem and submitted a lengthy report in two thick pamphlet volumes. This report has recently been submitted to the Riksdag, and I have the honor to transmit the same under separate cover for the use of the department.

As the document is in the Swedish language, I venture to accompany this with a summary of some portions of it that may be an indication of the interesting character of the report, which will repay study as a whole.

I have, etc.,

Charles H. Graves.

Abstracts from report of Swedish royal commission on reorganization of the Swedish diplomatic and consular service, 1906.

In a communication by the minister for foreign affairs to the commission is said:

“It should not be necessary, in selecting persons for the diplomatic and consular service, to take into account their private fortunes; this particularly in the diplomatic service. Ability and skill should be the only basis of selection to insure the best results. As to education, great importance should be attached to the practical side, and in consular appointments, to a mercantile education. And success in other public services should be considered. More intimate connection and cooperation between the diplomatic and consular services is very desirable.

“It is recommended that the commission hear the views and opinion of industrial proprietors, merchants, and shipowners to get all the light possible upon the bearing of consular service on the business of the country.”

The second volume of the report is made up entirely of testimony from such sources.

“The objects of diplomatic and consular service have lately changed very much. Formerly, observation of events which might cause trouble between [Page 1363] European states and negotiation of treaties and conventions absorbed attention, and slight notice was given to economical matters; but now modern conditions, quick communication, and ample press reports have made the former of less importance, though the hurry of press reports made them sometimes not quite reliable and require confirmation or correction from official sources.”

Other objects are now more in front, and the need is to know other nations more intimately and to be able to take advantage of their experience in affairs. Commercial politics are important and make demands on the diplomatic service greater than ever before, and for this reason quick, intelligent men, not too much impressed with their own importance and dignity, are needed.

Cooperation of diplomatic and consular officers is desirable, not to mix up their functions, but to keep in touch and work together.

Able men are required, and to obtain such sufficient salaries should be paid, bearing in mind that expenses are greater abroad than at home, and higher salaries are needed than for like positions at home. This matter is explained in some detail. Pensions for retired officers of the service are recommended.

As Sweden has a department called the board of trade it is recommended that consuls correspond directly with that board and also with an unofficial association known as the Swedish Export Association, furnishing information and answering inquiries.

The commission then takes up the diplomatic service and considers in detail the different posts, and its conclusions recommend the retention of legations, but that ministers be maintained only at “the most contiguous nations,” or Norway, Denmark, Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, the United States, and Japan; that the legations at Rome and Vienna be united, and that at all the capitals not above mentioned Sweden should be represented by a chargé d’affaires.

The minister at Paris should be also accredited to Belgium, and the minister to London should be also accredited to the Netherlands.

As to the United States of America it is remarked: “The great number of Swedes who have emigrated thither and who have affairs in the home country with property, matters of inheritance, and the like, makes the diplomatic representation there more than usually important, and the legation should be maintained with a minister salaried at 45,000 crowns ($11,000), a secretary at 10,200 ($2,700), and a liberal contingent allowance fund. The minister at Washington should have the supervision over all the consuls in the United States, and he should visit Canada to keep informed of affairs there and to inspect the consulates.”