Ambassador Meyer to the Secretary of State.

No. 651.]

Sir: I have the honor to report that Baron Gunzburg, representing the Siedletz Jews, called upon M. Stolypin to urge against the trial of the prisoners by court-martial.

The minister expressed his profound regrets for the excesses that had taken place and his determination to thoroughly investigate the facts and publicly distribute the responsibility, no matter upon whom it may fall. He also complied with the request of Baron Gunzburg [Page 1313] notifying the governor-general of Warsaw of the desirability of having recourse to the ordinary tribunals.

The premier, in conclusion, expressed the hope that the Siedletz riots would constitute the very last ordeal for the Jews, and touching the question of Jewish disabilities he stated that he would shortly introduce a bill extending Jewish rights and leaving it to the Douma to bestow absolute equality.

I have, etc.,

G. v. L. Meyer.