The Secretary of State to Ambassador Reid.
Washington, June 15, 1906.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 205, of the 26th ultimo, transmitting copy of a letter from Mr. R. E. Stuart, brother of the late W. H. Stuart, American vice-consul at Batum, asking that action be taken for the punishment of the latter’s murderers, and that steps be taken by this Government to obtain compensation for his family.
In reply I have to say that our ambassador to Russia is pressing for the punishment of the murderer or murderers, and has advised the department of the arrest of two persons, one of whom has confessed participation in the crime. The department sees no reason to believe that the fact that Mr. Stuart was the American vice-consul had any instigating connection with the crime, and it agrees with you that any demand for compensation for that family should be considered by the British Government.
I am, etc.,