Minister Dudley to
the Acting Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Lima, August 14,
No. 1278.]
Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith two
copies and a translation of a decree of this Government, dated the 10th
instant, providing for the encouragement of immigration to this country
by the payment of the passages of immigrants under specified
As stated by President Pardo in his last message to Congress, the two
main obstacles to agricultural development in Peru are the insufficiency
of laborers and the scarcity on the coast of water. The problem of the
increasing of the water supply has been receiving the attention of the
government corps of engineers during the past few years, several
Americans having aided therein, especially with a view to developing
subterranean water.
I have, etc.,
(From El Comercio, Lima, Peru, August 11, 1906.)
The President of the
Whereas, it is convenient to lay down rules for the expending of the
item set apart for the promotion of immigration in the general
budget now in force, in a way best suited to obtaining the object in
- First. The State will provide third-class passages for the
natives of Europe and America who may wish to introduce
industrial or private enterprises, provided that they
fulfill the following conditions: (a)
That they are from 16 to 50 years of age, if they are males,
and from 10 to 40 if they are females, fulfilling the
conditions of morality and health laid down in the rules now
in force. (b) That they come to
engage in agriculture, in mining, or in other industries, or
to devote themselves to these occupations for account of
colonization, immigration, or irrigation enterprises.
- Second. The payment of the passages will be made through
the consuls of the Republic in the ports of shipment in view
of the orders cabled by the ministry of fomento, to which
office must be presented in writing the request of the
interested parties for such payment, indicating at the same
time the number of immigrants, the agricultural estate or
industrial establishment to which they are destined, and
declaring themselves obliged to provide lodging, board, and
medical attendance for the immigrants from the port of
landing to the place of destination.
- Third. The consuls of the Republic, on receipt of the
order from the minister of fomento, shall make the payment
of the passages to the steamer companies direct, with
previous personal and individual evidence that the
immigrants fulfill the conditions set forth in Article I of
this decree, and for this purpose they shall give a
certificate to each immigrant, which shall be collected by
the maritime authorities of the port of landing and
afterwards forwarded to the ministry of fomento.
- Fourth. A general register of immigrants shall be opened
in the agricultural section of the ministry of fomento, in
accordance with the models and instructions obtained from
that department.
- Fifth. The outlay incurred by the compliance with this
decree shall be charged to item No. 13 of the extraordinary
expenses of the department of fomento, in the general budget
now in force.
Given in the Government House at
Lima, on the 10th day of the month of August,
Delfin Vidalón.