Minister Merry to the Secretary of State.
San José, Costa Rica, January 30, 1906.
Sir: In compliance with the request made in your No. 683, of 16th instant, I have the honor to inclose herewith translations of the Costa Rica laws in relation to the immigration of alien races. By this mail I send you a volume including these laws, just published here by the Government, purporting to include Costa Rica statutes now in force. Therein you will also find the recently enacted immigration law alluded to in my No. 1115, of December 5, 1905, which you will notice is almost a copy of part of our own law on the same subject. You will also notice that the law of January 10, 1904, translation of which is inclosed herewith, prohibits the entry of Arabs, Turks, [Page 1188] Syrians, and gypsies of any nationality. Consequently, even if in possession of United States passport, the entry of these races is prohibited, and, in fact, Syrians of British nationality by naturalization have been recently returned to Jamaica from Port Limon. As suggested in my No. 1119, of December 21, 1905, it seems desirable that some arrangement shall be made with Costa Rica Government to grant all American citizens provided with passports the right of transit. The foreign travel through this Republic is increasing, and other cases similar to those alluded to in dispatch above named may occur at any time.
With assurance of my highest consideration, etc.,