The Minister of the Netherlands to the Secretary of State.
Washington, March 30, 1906.
Mr. Secretary of State: By order of my Government I have the honor to request your excellency to inform me whether, according to the laws in force on the subject in the United States, the person named H. R. J. C. Van Hall is considered by the American Government as still possessing American nationality.
As your excellency will gather from the accompanying documents, Van Hall was born on July 16, 1887, and baptized on September 17 following at Helena, Mont. His father, Henry Van Hall, a Hollander by birth, had become an American citizen in 1876.
The father left the United States on September 26, 1891, and has since resided with his family at Ravenstein, Netherlands.
[Page 1180]Thanking your excellency in advance for whatever information you may be pleased to give me, and requesting you to kindly return to me the accompanying inclosures after use,
I avail myself, etc.,