The Secretary of State to the Netherlands Minister.

No. 68.]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 3d ultimo transmitting the naturalization certificate of Wybrand Feddema, who was admitted to American citizenship August 2, 1899, by the supreme court of the State of New York, first judicial district, and stating that he is under treatment for insanity in the state asylum of Medemblik at the expense of your Government.

Referring to your request that the United States will reimburse the cost of the patient’s maintenance in an asylum in the Netherlands for such time as may be found necessary or will declare its readiness to take charge of him for treatment in America, I regret to inform you that there is no provision of law for such action by this Government.

I have communicated your note to the governor of New York, with an inquiry whether the State of New York will assume responsibility [Page 1171] for the maintenance of Feddema, and beg to inclose, for your consideration, copies of the reply thereto and its inclosure,a a statement from the New York state commission in lunacy, which reports that there are in New York state institutions several natives of Holland who are not American citizens; and names two of these, Johanna Fels and Edward Heuberecht, whom the State has supported for some years in the Gowanda State Homeopathic Hospital, and who have no claim upon it whatever; and informs me that in case your Government declines to maintain both of these persons the commission will be glad to receive and maintain Wybrand Feddema if the Government of the Netherlands will make a similar arrangement with regard to either Johanna Fels or Edward Heuberecht.

Awaiting any further communication on the subject with which you may be pleased to favor me,

I have, etc.,

Elihu Root.
  1. Not printed.