Minister Gummeré to the Secretary of State.
Tangier, May 31, 1906.
Sir: I have the honor to report that on the evening of May 27, 1906, one Mr. Albert Charbonnier, clerk in the bank of the Compagnie Algérienne, at Tangier, while riding on the beach, about 3 miles beyond Tangier, was murdered and the body robbed of all valuables, all in full daylight. It is supposed that the outrage was committed by a native or natives, but thus far no clues have been discovered. I have extended my condolences to the French minister, whom I found much irritated at the indolence of the Moorish authorities in the matter.
The outrage is the more serious in that the beach at Tangier has always been used by way of a pleasure ground for the citizens and is almost the only place which has been regarded as safe for riding and walking. I must, however, state that the murdered man had ridden rather farther than is considered prudent, especially as he was alone.
I am, etc.,