Ambassador Thompson to the Secretary of State.
December 18, 1906.
Your telegraph instructions 15th, under date of 14th, I sent Minister of Finance Limantour copy of act of May 21, 1900, amending section 3005, Revised Statutes, and copy of section 3006, Revised Statutes, calling his attention to regulations transmitted in my note of June 4, last, and saying: “It would seem to me that regulations providing for the transit of merchandise through one country should be about the same as those providing for transit through the other.” This morning I have from him the following: “I am much obliged to you for the copies you had the goodness to send me with your favor of the 14th instant. It seems to me that the regulations for the transit of merchandise over the territory of one of our nations should apply upon goods in transit over that of the other, and this is the point I would like to make clear in order that I may be positive that the Government of the United States would accept, with respect to the transit of merchandise from Mexico through American territory, that the Mexican Government make use of the 3ame right or privilege of sending inspectors, and that, in general, an application be made of the reglementary provisions contained in the project which you had the kindness to transmit to this department through that of foreign affairs under date of June 13 last. Hoping that you may be able to give me some information upon this point, etc.” Because of his great desire to arrive at a conclusion, I telegraph all of this.