Ambassador Thompson to the Secretary of State.

No. 320.]

Sir: Referring to the department’s instruction No. 37, dated May 24 last, and to my dispatch No. 93, of June 19 this year, relative to the regulations proposed by the United States for the transit of merchandise from port to port of our country through Mexico, I have the honor to transmit herewith copies and translations of correspondence from the Mexican Government, stating that by order of the President of this Republic the department of the treasury of Mexico will offer no impediment against the adoption of the above regulations provided the Government of the United States will, in [Page 1110] its turn, accept such measures as Mexico may enact for the transit of goods which, leaving a Mexican port or frontier, may pass over American territory, to be reimported into this country by some other port or frontier.

As the Mexican Government awaits such decision as the United States will pass upon the subject, I have advised Minister Mariscal, as per copy of my note herewith inclosed, that I have submitted to my Government the suggestion of that of Mexico for such action as may be expedient.

I have, etc., etc.,

David E. Thompson.
[Inclosure 1.—Translation.]

The Minister of Foreign Affairs to Ambassador Thompson.

Mr. Ambassador: Referring to my note of June 13 last, in which I advised your excellency that I had already transmitted to the department of the treasury, for such action as might be expedient, the regulations proposed by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States of America for the transit of merchandise from port to port of the United States through Mexico, I have the honor to transmit to your excellency herewith copy of a communication from the secretary of the treasury relative to the matter in question.

I avail myself of this occasion to renew to your excellency the assurance of my high consideration.

Igno. Mariscal.

The Secretary of the Treasury of Mexico to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs.

Department of the Treasury and Public Credit.—Mexico.—Office of the Director-General of Customs.—No. 1922.

This department received in due time your note dated June 13 last, in which you were pleased to include that of the 4th of the same month addressed to you by the ambassador of the United States of America, inclosing a draft of regulations proposed by the Secretary of the Treasury of said country for the transit of merchandise from port to port of the United States through Mexico.

In reply, and by order of the President of the Republic, I beg to say that this department has no impediment against adopting in principle the above-mentioned regulations, provided that the Government of the United States be willing, for its part, to accept those which the Mexican Government may enact for the transit of merchandise which, leaving a Mexican port or frontier, may pass over the territory of the United States to be reimported into Mexico by some other port or frontier.

Awaiting such early reply from the American Government as the ambassador of said country may transmit to you, I renew to you the assurance of my respectful consideration.

[Inclosure 2.]

Ambassador Thompson to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Mr. Minister: I have the pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of your excellency’s note dated the 15th instant, relative to the transit of merchandise from port to port of the United States through Mexico, advising me that by [Page 1111] order of the President of this Republic the department of the treasury will adopt the regulations proposed by the United States upon the above traffic, provided the regulations enacted by Mexico for the transit of merchandise from port to port of this country through the United States will be accepted by the Government of the latter. I have therefore submitted the decision of the President of Mexico to my Government for such action as may be expedient.

I avail myself of this occasion to renew to your excellency the assurance of my high consideration.

D. E. Thompson.