The Japanese Chargé to the Secretary of State.
Washington, February 3, 1906.
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that I am in receipt of telegraphic instructions from His Majesty’s minister for foreign affairs to the effect that the Imperial Government, desiring speedy reestablishment [Page 1088] establishment of their diplomatic organ in Russia, have recently appointed Mr. Motono, now minister to France, minister to Russia, and instructed him to proceed to his new post at the earliest opportunity. In view of the fact, however, that the letters of credence, although they are to be dispatched from Tokyo with all expedition, can not possibly reach St. Petersburg before Mr. Motono’s arrival there, the Imperial Government desire to have a previous understanding with the Russian Government that the latter will give temporary recognition of his official capacity and permit him to discharge the duties of his office in spite of nonpresentation of his credentials.
Prior to this, the Russian Government made proposition to at once appoint a chargé d’affaires to Tokyo without sending a minister, to which the Imperial Government gave consent, appreciating the sincere intention of the Russian Government to reestablish the diplomatic relations as quickly as possible, and such chargé d’affaires is now actually conducting diplomatic affairs at Tokyo.
Under these circumstances the Imperial Government deem it desirable that the Russian Government will likewise give consent to the proposition of the Imperial Government regarding the temporary recognition of Mr. Motono’s official capacity.
I now beg leave to request you to be so good as to use your good offices in instructing the American ambassador at St. Petersburg to bring the above to the attention of the Russian Government and to obtain their consent to the proposition of the Imperial Government.
Accept, etc.,