The Japanese Chargé to the Secretary of State.
Washington, March 13, 1906.
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that His Majesty’s minister for foreign affairs instructed me by telegraph, at the instance of the minister of war, to tender to the United States Government the most cordial thanks of the Imperial Government for the part so kindly and satisfactorily played by the United States embassy at St. Petersburg in regard to the matters concerning the Japanese prisoners of war and persons otherwise detained and held in Russia, whose exchange has now almost been completed. The Imperial Government are especially appreciative of the extremely kind and indefatigable services so willingly and effectively rendered by Mr. Thomas Smith, United States consul, who has been most directly concerned in the matter.
The Imperial Government are further desirous that the United States Government be so good as to transmit the above expression of thanks to the American ambassador at St. Petersburg and other officials to whom it is due.
Accept, etc.,