The Acting Secretary of State to the Japanese Chargé.
Washington, January 31, 1906.
[Continued from Foreign Relations, 1905, pp. 599–610.]
My Dear Mr. Chargé: On the 30th instant the department received the following telegram from the American ambassador to Russia:
In reference to your cable of 25th, chief of the staff repeated telegram to Linievitch on the 26th. Only since 27th have communications been received by telegram direct and uninterrupted from Vladivostok and Linievitch. Will see Count Lamsdorff again to-morrow.
This telegram is in answer to the department’s telegram of the 25th instant, instructing the ambassador to endeavor to obtain from the Russian Government the information asked for by your Government relative to the exchange of prisoners and the location of Russian marine mines along the coast of Korea, Saghalien, and elsewhere.
I am, etc.,