Ambassador Wright
to the Secretary of State.
American Embassy,
Tokyo, August 18,
No. 48.]
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith
inclosed two newspaper clippings in duplicate, taken from the Japan
Times of August 8 and 14, in relation to the issuance for M. Plangon of
an exequatur as Russian consul-general at Seoul.
The conflict between the Russian and Japanese Governments in regard to
the form of M. Plancon’s commission and the source of issuance of the
exequatur has been settled by Russia’s yielding to Japan’s demand for
the suppression in the one of the name of the Emperor of Korea, and that
the request for the other be made to the Japanese Government.
I have, etc.,
[Page 1045]
[Inclosure 1.]
[From The Japan Times, of
Tokyo, Wednesday, August 8,
satisfactory solution.
We reported some time ago that M. Plangon, the new Russian
consul-general at Seoul, in proceeding to his post, had decided to
yield to the Japanese proposal that, in view of the transfer of the
control of the Korean diplomatic and consular affairs to the hands
of our authorities, he should go to Seoul with the sanction of the
Tokyo Government to exercise his duties in Korea. It was then yet
alleged, however, that despite the Russian acknowledgment of our
position in Korea as above, there still existed some point of
disagreement between the Government in Tokyo and that in St.
Petersburg with regard to the question relating to the credentials
with which M. Plangon was going to Seoul. Russia insisted on her
peculiar way of addressing the credentials given her consular agent
to the sovereign of the state to which the agent was appointed,
quite contrary to the general rules prevailing among the powers in
this connection. Thus, inasmuch as the credentials carried by M.
Plangon were addressed to the Korean Emperor, who had intrusted to
the hands of the Imperial Government the entire control of the
diplomatic and consular affairs in the peninsula, our authorities
were unable to give M. Plangon sanction to exercise his new duties
there. Now, it is stated that the Russian Government has signified
its consent to change the form of the credentials, in accordance
with the ordinary usage and satisfactory to our Government. No doubt
that this change of attitude on the part of the St. Petersburg
authorities was due to the efforts of M. Iswdlsky, the new Russian
foreign minister. In view of the satisfactory turn of the affair,
and in consideration of the fact that the Russian Government
willingly recognized the position of Mr. Motono as our minister in
St. Petersburg prior to his presentation of his credentials, the
Imperial Government is said to have given M. Plangon sanction to
stay at Seoul as Russian consul-general, notwithstanding his
inability as yet to present his credentials in the new form. This
satisfactory solution of the much-talked-of question is a welcome
sign for the promotion of the friendly relations between the two
[Inclosure 2.]
[From The Japan Times, of
Tokyo, Tuesday, August 14,
statement by the
In connection with the Plangon affair, the amicable settlement of
which was reported by us some days ago, the residency-general in
Korea issued, on the 9th instant, a statement reviewing the affair
substantially as follows:
The Japanese Government, in consideration of the fact that, by virtue
of the Japan-Korea agreement of November, last year, it has been
intrusted with the control of the diplomatic and consular affairs in
Korea, believes that there is no room for doubt that the foreign
consuls in Korea should present their credentials to the Japanese
Government and receive from it sanction to exercise their duties, in
accordance with the ordinary rules of international law Yet Russia
had a different view, and negotiations between the two countries
ensued, in Tokyo between Viscount Hayashi, our minister of foreign
affairs, and M. Bakhmetieff, Russian minister, and in St. Petersburg
between Count Lamsdorff, the Russian foreign minister, afterwards
succeeded by M. Iswolsky, and Mr. Motono, our minister to Russia,
with regard to the questions relating to the right of giving
sanction to foreign consuls and the form of credentials carried by
them. After repeated interviews and exchanges of official
communications, the Russian Government finally acknowledged Japan’s
right of controlling diplomatic and consular affairs in Korea, and
consented to our proposal that the Russian consul in Korea should
obtain from the Japanese Government sanction to exercise his
functions. Thus the affair was brought to an amicable settlement.
But M. Plangon was unable to present at once to our Government his
new credentials, owing to their nonarrival as yet, and the Imperial
Government, in compliance with the request of the Russian
Government, consented to grant M. Plangon a provisional sanction
pending the
[Page 1046]
arrival of
the formal credentials in the new form. Thereupon M. Plangon, taking
steamer from Kobe, came to Seoul. The granting of the provisional
sanction is a matter of courtesy on the part of the Japanese
Government, and it goes without saying that it can be revoked at any
time. The new credentials of M. Plangon will, it is expected, arrive
within four weeks.
It may be added that the right of the Japanese Government to give
sanction to foreign consuls in Korea is fully recognized by the
powers. The British and Chinese consuls in Seoul have also received
the sanction from our Government.