Chargé Wilson to
the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Tokyo, February 13,
No. 389.]
Sir: I have the honor to inclose clippings from
the Japan Mail reporting Marquis Ito’s speech to the local editors in
Seoul last November, after he had signed the Japan-Korea convention, and
giving also the gist of the Marquis’s address at the dinner given by him
to the leading journalists of Tokyo, and a translation of his remarks to
the members of the Constitutionalist party, both of which latter were
delivered early this month on the eve of his excellency’s departure from
Tokyo for Korea.
Marquis Ito’s speech was calculated to dispel the idea that Korea is to
be considered fair prey for the Japanese, and to persuade the Koreans
that although their foreign relations are taken over by Japan, yet the
prestige of their court is upheld and the machinery of the Government is
to remain under the direction of the Korean Emperor. The desire of Japan
to restore to Korea the control of her foreign relations when that
country’s development might make possible such a course is also
asserted. Along with these efforts to reassure the Koreans, the Marquis
proceeded to enjoin upon the Japanese consideration and kindness toward
the Korean people.
In his address to the Tokyo journalists, Marquis Ito mentions some of the
specific tasks before him and then speaks of the corruption of Korean
administration and the need of its reform, and the poverty of the
people. The Marquis makes the point that, since Japan has undertaken the
defense of Korea and must keep a garrison there, and the expense on
behalf of Korea will grow quite considerable with the new order of
things, there is imperative need of introducing improvements in
agriculture, engineering, forestry, and such matters, in order to
increase the wealth of the Koreans so that they may bear as far as
possible the expense of all Korean enterprises, instead of leaving these
to be borne by the Japanese. His excellency then looks forward to an
increased Japanese immigration to Korea. In this connection he strongly
condemns the harsh treatment of the Koreans by many of the bad sort of
Japanese now in that country, and promises to take ample measures for
dealing with that class of offenders, whom he blames for Korean dislike
of the Japanese. In closing he invites the views of the press in regard
to his policy thus outlined.
Marquis Ito’s taking the press into his confidence and asking an
expression of journalistic opinion was a great innovation in Japan, and
was profoundly appreciated by the newspapers. This will no doubt go far
to bring him public support in his work. To show how heartily the
proposed policy of the resident-general is approved by the journals, I
have the honor to inclose a clipping from the Japan Times containing an
epitome of the comment of some of the principal newspapers.
In addressing the members of the Constitutionalist party, Marquis Ito
emphasized the gravity of the Korean problem and charged his hearers
with the duty of impressing the Koreans with the community of interests
of the two countries, of dispelling their suspicions and
[Page 1028]
gaining their confidence. Before leaving
the subject of Korea, his excellency said:
It is not with regard to Korea alone, but with regard to the
whole problem of the Far East, that nothing opposed to the
sentiment of the powers should be done. No strong country
whatsoever can march forward independently and at its own
arbitrary convenience. If Japan, puffed up by her victories in
war, should forfeit the sympathy of the powers, she will be
laying up for herself misfortune in the future.
At an informal interview which I had with the Marquis Ito on the 2d
instant, his excellency gave the most satisfactory assurances along
these same lines, and especially referred to the attention he would give
to the open-door policy, as to which the United States, Great Britain,
and Japan were in accord.
At the same interview the new resident general spoke in an exceedingly
friendly manner of the American missionaries in Korea, the correctness
of whose attitude toward the Koreans, in the delicate position in which
they were placed during the excitement following the signature of the
new treaty, is without doubt appreciated by the Japanese.
The tone of what the Marquis Ito has said on these occasions is very
conservative, earnest, and sincere. His speeches are interesting as
announcing the Japanese Government’s Korean policy by the mouth of the
greatest Japanese statesman and the man who is to undertake the very
delicate and onerous labors of the first resident-general at Seoul. He
goes to take up his post in Korea after giving to the world expressions
of the most high-minded intentions of protecting and bettering the
conditions of the Koreans, of improving and controlling the conduct of
the Japanese immigrants, and of giving full consideration to the
interests of other powers. With such explicit guaranties, there is every
reason to expect that American interests in Korea will receive good
treatment under the new régime.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 1.]
[From The Japan Daily Mail of
Yokohama, Thursday, November 30,
Marquis Ito has made an address to the various newspaper editors in
Seoul, whom his excellency invited to luncheon for the purpose. He
is reported to have said: “It is most desirable that newspaper
editors, in conveying information about Korean affairs to Japan
should exercise the utmost caution so as to avoid misleading the
Japanese people. Some people in Japan seem to imagine that the new
convention has placed Korea in the hollow of Japan’s hand and has
virtually contrived the overthrow of the empire. Such a view is as
precipitate as that referred to in the Chinese proverb where the egg
is mistaken for the crow of the full-grown cock. It is true that
Japan has assumed the charge of Korea’s foreign affairs, but, on the
other hand, the Emperor of Japan has sent his special ambassador to
convey to the Korean court a solemn assurance of the preservation of
its safety and prestige. That is a point of the greatest importance.
Further, it need scarcely be stated that the machinery of
administration remains as before under the control and direction of
His Majesty the Emperor. At a moment of such changes the Koreans
themselves were likely to fall into greater errors than the
Japanese. Therefore the policy to be hereafter pursued toward Korea
would be informed by the utmost sincerity of act and intention. She
would be assisted and led along the paths of gradual progress, and
everything savoring of precipitate pressure would be avoided. When I
had the honor of being received by His Majesty the Emperor of Korea
with reference to the terms of the new treaty,
[Page 1029]
His Majesty expressed and seemed
profoundly moved by the fact that even in the days when Korea used
the Chinese almanac and was in effect a tributary of China she
nevertheless retained the control of her own foreign affairs,
whereas now in the reign of His Majesty, after his dynasty had
continued for five hundred years, he was asked to sign a convention
which would destroy his empire and render him guilty in the sight of
his ancestors. I accordingly sought to resolve His Majesty’s doubts
by pointing out in the utmost detail that the vicissitudes of the
time rendered this inevitable, and that so soon as Korea’s
development had become assured it was the earnest desire of the
Japanese Government to restore to her forthwith the direction of her
own foreign affairs. When the time came for signing the convention
the prime minister, Mr. Han Kyuhwa, sobbed with emotion and seemed
wholly overcome. These things render it imperative that Japan, being
the pioneer in progress, should behave toward all classes in Korea
with the utmost circumspection and sincerity, so that her true
purpose may not be mistaken or her intentions doubted. A residency
general will be established, but as to its personnel nothing will be
known until after my return to Japan. There can, however, be no
error in explicitly asserting that the policy of the resident
general will not be in any sense revolutionary, but will be one of
gradual progress. If the state of affairs in Korea be examined, it
is found that the relations between sovereign and subject,
government and governed, are of a very distant nature, and are by no
means so close as those in Japan. Hence it becomes inevitable to
adopt toward the Government measures of a more or less compulsory
nature. The people, however, are eminently peaceful and quiet, and
toward them, therefore, the policy pursued must be one of gentle
persuasion. Those are points which have to be kept in view not
merely by our officials, but also by all Japanese subjects residing
in Korea. Such Japanese subjects must carefully refrain from all
acts of violence to which their country’s victories may prompt them,
and must be guided by a spirit of kindness in their dealings with
the Koreans. Already the United States representative in Seoul has
received instructions from his Government for the removal of the
legation, and it may be assumed that the other powers will similarly
recognize Japan’s convention. It will then be for Japan not to
forget the duties that heaven has delegated to her, but to lead
Korea gently and helpfully along the path of progress, for assuredly
anything like arbitrary or coercive conduct will earn for Korea the
sympathy of the nations, and will defeat the true and abiding policy
of Japan.
[Inclosure 2.]
[From the Japan Daily Mail, of
Yokohama, Saturday, February 3,
The reports of Marquis Ito’s speech at the dinner given by his
excellency to the leading journalists of Tokyo are not at all as
full as is desirable. The gist of what the distinguished statesman
said, however, may be gathered pretty clearly:
“Gentlemen: As I am starting soon for Korea
I have invited you this evening for the purpose of laying before you
a general statement of the hopes I entertain with regard to the
affairs of that country and for the purpose of learning your views.
On the 17th of last November the fundamental relations between this
Empire and Korea were settled by treaty, but the provisions were
very brief. They did not do more than fix foundations, leaving the
superstructure of details and the consummation of purposes to depend
upon the method of applying the covenant. For example, with regard
to business arising out of discussions between the foreign consuls
and the Korean local officials, it was arranged that our residents
should discharge it, but concerning the relations between the latter
and the local officials the details of procedure have still to be
enacted. Thus it must be settled that there shall devolve on the
Korean local officials the duty of immediately carrying out, on
receipt of a communication in that sense from our residents, any
business about which representations have been made by the foreign
consuls, and again, in the event of the local officials failing or
neglecting to discharge such duty, it must be decided that orders to
discharge it forthwith shall be conveyed to them in the sequel of
reports to the Emperor of Korea or of communications to the Korean
Government. Among such matters there will be, on the one hand, some
with regard
[Page 1030]
to which the
Japanese Government must approach foreign Governments by way of
preliminary, and, on the other hand, there will be some calling for
the arrangement with the Korean Government of an accurate line of
procedure. In the case of the former I hope that before I assume
office they will have been disposed of, and in the case of the
latter I hope to settle them myself after careful consultation with
the Korean Government subsequently to my’ arrival in Seoul.
“As for the reform of the Korean Administration, it will be the duty
of the Government of this Empire to take it upon itself in
accordance with the protocol, but governmental corruption in Korea
is of remote origin, and to reform it in a day is no easy task. Of
course, to revise laws and thus effect superficial reforms is a
matter presenting no difficulty, but such, I believe, is not by any
means the way to achieve the object of administrative reform. What I
hope with regard to this subject of Korean administrative reform is
to give the matter the fullest thought and to accomplish it
gradually, so that the people of Korea shall be made simultaneously
to reap its blessings.
“The poverty of the Koreans is a matter of universal knowledge, and
if it be neglected and no means devised for relieving it, this
Empire will not only be violating its responsibility as protector of
Korea, but will also itself have to suffer in the end.
“The Japanese Government has taken upon itself the burden of Korea’s
national defenses, and has accepted the duty of posting a certain
force of troops in Korea. Looking at the expense of this alone, it
is seen to be not inconsiderable. Further it would be by no means a
wise arrangement that she should shoulder Korea’s various
expenditures which are destined to grow hereafter larger and larger,
and that they should be imposed on our people. Therefore it is
essential that we should make the Koreans gradually increase their
financial strength and should devise means for getting the people of
Korea themselves to bear, as far as possible, the expenses of all
Korean undertakings. With regard to contriving an increase of their
financial strength the first thing to be considered is agricultural
improvements. But in the domains of engineering, and forestry also,
there are not a few matters calling for reform and organization pari
passú with agriculture. I hope to investigate all these matters
fully and to carry them out gradually.
“The population of our country shows a very rapid rate of increase,
and it is natural that this increment should overflow Korea. Above
all, when the various enterprises in that country reach a stage of
development it is quite evident that we shall witness a very great
addition to the number of our people going there as compared with
to-day. But there has been much to censure in the conduct of our
nationals hitherto in Korea. The greatest indignities have been put
upon the Koreans, and they have been obliged to suffer them with
tears in their eyes. It is true that persons guilty of such conduct
constitute only a small part of the Japanese residing in Korea, but
now that this Empire has taken upon itself the protectorate of Korea
this improper behavior calls for the utmost correction; especially
inasmuch as, since the beginning of the Meiji era many difficulties
have been eliminated from the relations of the two countries, and
two great wars have taken place, the practical results of which are
now for the first time displaying themselves. Yet because the
conduct of our nationals toward the Koreans is not what it ought to
be, they (the Koreans) pose abroad as sufferers, and entertain the
keenest dislike for us at home, with the very regrettable result
that much injury is done to the relations of the two countries. I am
persuaded that when our nationals go to Korea hereafter in
increasing number earnest steps must be taken to check this
impropriety. It is needless to say that after I have assumed my
duties such of my nationals as are engaged in legitimate enterprises
in Korea will be protected, but I propose to take ample measures for
dealing with all mauvais sujets.
“What I have now said conveys only the gist of the hopes I entertain.
In realizing them there must, of course, be order and method, but I
am resolved to follow, on the whole, the policy I have here
indicated. As some of you gentlemen must be well versed in Korean
affairs I trust that you will have no hesitation in expressing your
views with regard to my intentions. I shall be most pleased to hear
them, and if there be any reason to modify my policy I will not
hesitate to do so.”
[Page 1031]
[Inclosure 3.]
[From the Japan Times, of
Tokyo, Saturday, February 3,
Marquis Ito’s recent speech on the line of policy he intends to adopt
as resident general in Korea is receiving hearty indorsement from
the Tokyo press. His speech, as reported in our columns, dealt with
the necessity of negotiating with the foreign governments, on the
one hand, and on the other with the Korean Government, to smooth the
way for full discharge of Japan’s duties as protecting power, since
the Peninsular Empire’s diplomatic affairs are now entirely
intrusted to this country. In his discussion of administrative
problems, the Marquis pointed out very sensibly that it is a
comparatively easy matter to reform the laws, but it may be
immeasurably difficult to secure the real confidence of the Koreans.
How to proceed in the matter is still a knotty problem, in Marquis
Ito’s mind. The most important work is to elevate the low financial
and economic status of that country; and this can only be done by
developing the national resources, to the mutual benefit of Korea
and Japan, since this Empire has taken upon itself the burden of the
defense of the country, and has invested money heavily in improving
her means of communication and other civilizing factors. To realize
this end, the resident general will encourage, foremost among all
other things, agriculture. There is room for great undertakings in
engineering, forestry, and other material improvements of the
country; these should be taken in hand in the order of their
importance. And Marquis Ito’s speech concluded with an assurance
that the Koreans would be protected against arrogant or overbearing
conduct of the “superior race,” now such a frequent cause of
complaint against the Japanese residents. Thus recapitulating the
chief points of the speech, the Nichi Nichi compares this policy
with that of the American Government in dealing with the
Philippines; and the paper concludes that the enlightened policy
outlined by Marquis Ito compares well with the most advanced
colonial policy now practiced in the world. The Nichi Mchi is
confident that the public will join in its appreciation of the
Marquis’s great service to the country.
The Asahi says that it feels now free from all anxiety about our
relations with Korea since the appointment of Marquis Ito as
resident general. It expresses appreciation of the candid manner in
which he invited the press representatives to offer suggestions in
regard to our Korean policy. In response, then, to his invitation,
the paper wishes to draw his attention to two points. First, it is
true, as Marquis Ito says, that there is urgent need to provide a
remedy for the grievance of the Koreans as to the overbearing, not
to say tyrannical, conduct of Japanese residents in the peninsula.
The Marquis has duly recognized this need; but the Asahi says that
there is another evil—the unpleasant and often underhand ways
prevalent among the Japanese residents themselves. This also should
receive his excellency’s close attention. There is need to study the
causes, deep rooted, as the paper believes them to be, and a way
should be devised for reforming the low social tone of the Japanese
settlers over there, by some means other than administrative. The
paper prays for good government for the Japanese as well as the
Koreans. It would place special emphasis upon the importance of
giving fair and respectable treatment to the self-governing bodies
in the settlements, for they have been the most important factor in
developing and maintaining Japanese predominance in Korea.
The Mainichi regards the Marquis’ speech before the press
representatives as a public declaration of his policy to both
Koreans and Japanese, and thinks his pledges should be kept in mind
as a check on the future conduct of his Government in Korea. It has
been the consistent practice of the Mainichi, in discussing our
Korean policy, to ignore the existence of the incurably corrupt
official world of Korea and to advocate trying to win the hearts of
the people themselves. But this opinion, it says, has been ridiculed
as too unpractical, and requiring too long a time; and the contrary
principle—that of obtaining the acquiescence of the people by gentle
but firm pressure or real force—has been accepted and used as a
working principle of practical politics by our Government and by our
diplomatic and consular representatives in Korea. The Mainichi
therefore rejoices to see its own more liberal views practically
embodied in Marquis Ito’s declaration. It appreciates the caution
shown by the resident-general in seeking to disarm criticism on one
point; he sees that for sake of promoting confidence and good will
among the Koreans, by really
[Page 1032]
studying their welfare and the principles of
fair play, it may be necessary to deal summarily with certain
“undesirables” among the Japanese residents; it may be even
necessary to go so far as to deport them from Korea, and naturally
in such cases there would result a crop of evil reports spread by
these persons on returning to Japan—malicious slanders, most likely,
which Marquis Ito wishes now to discount abundantly. The Mainichi
praises his foresight, circumspection, and courage. But our
contemporary warns Marquis Ito not to be over confident of
succeeding with the Koreans, for Count Inouye went to Korea with
just as high ideals and just as promising plans, but hardly a year
passed before he was driven to utter despair at the hopeless and
incorrigible worthlessness of most of the Koreans, and this his
mission proved a failure. If Marquis Ito now goes earnestly resolved
to make this mission a glorious climax to his long and useful
career, the Mainichi will give him unstinted support. Finally, this
frank appeal to the press is an excellent sign; it is the only such
instance in Marquis Ito’s life, not to mention any other statesman
gifted with less ability, acumen, and enlightenment than he, says
our contemporary, and it is an admirable example for the rising
generation of would-be constitutional statesmen.
Marquis Ito’s public expression of his political views before the
press representatives draws praise from the Jinmin. It indorses the
Marquis’ policy, which aims at the regeneration of Korea on the
“slow but sure” basis. As to his economic policy, the paper supports
it entirely, for it is of paramount necessity in Korea to raise the
intelligence and character of the people through modern education
and development of industrial activities.
[Inclosure 4.]
[From the Japan Daily Mail, of
Yokohoma, Thursday, February 8,
The speech made by Marquis Ito on the 5th instant to the
parliamentary members of the Seiju-kai was as follows:
“I am extremely gratified that you, gentlemen of the Seiyu-kai,
remembering my old relations with you, have enabled me to meet you
at this farewell party on the eve of my departure for Korea. It is
still to me a source of great satisfaction to recall how you
gentlemen formerly shared my political opinions, and how when, in
spite of my very humble attainments and small abilities, I acted as
your leader in my capacity of President, you made every allowance
for my incompetence and deferred to my views. I am also profoundly
pleased that in conjunction with Marquis Saionji you are to apply
yourselves to the post-bellum enterprises. My intercourse during
many years with Marquis Saionji has been a source of gratitude to
me. I have learned not a little from him, and being entirely at one
with his political opinions, I am persuaded that with him assuming
an important position as to the post-bellum enterprises and you,
gentlemen, standing by his side and sharing his responsibility in
great affairs of state, not only will the advantages of the people
be furthered, but also the security of the realm will owe much to
your exertions. Concerning present-day problems of the legislature,
you are making them, I am persuaded, an object of the fullest study,
and therefore there does not appear to be any need to refer to them
here. But inasmuch as any error with respect to the post-bellum
undertakings would not only sacrifice the good results of the war,
but also involve the state’s future in peril, I earnestly hope that
your attitude will be one of extreme circumspection.
“I turn now to the Korean problem, which for the past thirty or forty
years has well nigh shaken the far eastern firmament. Japan’s
special geographical and political relations with the peninsula
affected her relations with the powers also and plunged her into two
wars which cost her heavily. To-day at length we have succeeded in
obtaining a formal solution of the problem, but to solve it in
practice still belongs to the future. This is the result of the
sacrifices that Japan has made of life and treasure, and since, as I
believe, it is a matter of serious import to the safety and
independence of the Empire, I go to assume office in Korea with much
trepidation and with full consciousness of my own inability.
Nevertheless, though I can not certainly count on attainment, seeing
that in all things failure is more frequent than success, I am
resolved to labor to the utmost of my ability.
[Page 1033]
“From Japan’s point of view we certainly have had a most painful
experience with regard to Korea, yet from Korea’s point of view she
doubtless believes that she too has been subjected to great
pressure, and she certainly does not submit to us willingly. That
she feels reluctant is because, when there is question of forfeiting
independence, it is much the same by what country one is deprived of
it. Hence, if there be any to mislead her, she will at once break
away from the Japanese bridle, and it follows that unless this
country can win her sincere allegiance we may again beget for
ourselves all the old troubles. We must consequently make her
understand that Japan’s protection is not for the purpose of harming
her independence; that if the Japanese extend protection to her, it
is because they are compelled to do so for the purpose of preserving
their own independence, and that no injury of any kind is to be
inflicted on her. Hence, while I myself will approach the Korean
problem with all sincerity of purpose, I shall not confine myself to
words in dealing with the pitiable condition of the people, but
whether in matters of administration or of finance will give them
practical proofs of sympathy.
“Thus since, as I have explained, Korea does not feel at all easy
about our protectorate, it is to be hoped that you, gentlemen, will
take care not to give cause of offense to the Koreans, but that by
seeking to inspire them with sentiments of community of interests—in
other words, to show them that we are fellow-passengers on the same
boat—you will remove their feelings of doubt and umbrage. This is
not merely my thought. It is what our fellow-countrymen universally
hope and what our Sovereign desires. I take office with the firm
resolve to carry out His Majesty’s purpose, and therefore I pray
that you also, gentlemen, will sympathize and take care that the
lives of tens of thousands of our countrymen shall not have been
sacrificed in vain.
“It is not with regard to Korea alone, but with regard to the whole
problem of the Far East, that nothing opposed to the sentiment of
the powers should be done. No strong country whatsoever can march
forward independently and at its own arbitrary convenience. If
Japan, puffed up by her victories in war, should forfeit the
sympathy of the powers, she will be laying up for herself misfortune
in the future.
“A great political party may be said to represent the country, yet it
can not be guaranteed against erring against the country’s
interests, and thus much more than common diligence must be brought
to the discharge of political duties. Let not the State be
sacrificed by seeking to please the people only. That is what I
declare with all earnestness. I believe, further, that any change of
the Government’s present financial policy would be injurious to the
State, and it has been a source of great comfort to me to learn that
the attitude of the Seiyu-kai toward this matter is settled. I most
strongly hope, too, that you will go forward to the full realization
of your aims.
“To-day’s meeting is engraved upon my heart and will remain a
perpetually agreeable memento which shall never fade from my