Chargé Wilson to the Secretary of State.

No. 363.]

Sir: I have the honor to “transmit herewith clippings from the Japan Times of the 22d and the Japan Mail of the 25th ultimo containing translations of imperial ordinances Nos. 267, 268, and 273, of December 20, relating to the organization of the residency-general and the residencies in Korea.

Amid many details, these ordinances contain several articles which are of interest as indicating the position of the Japanese resident-general and the extensive powers with which he is clothed.

The resident-general is to communicate with the Emperor of Japan through the minister for foreign affairs and the prime minister regarding foreign relations, and through the prime minister on all other subjects. He will have charge of all matters touching foreigners and the foreign consulates in Korea, with the exception of whatever business may be in the hands of the legations in Tokyo. He will [Page 1023] attend also to all matters in respect to which the right of supervision belongs to Japan. The residencies will supplant the Japanese consulates and will take over the judicial functions hitherto exercised by their consular courts. The resident-general is authorized to issue ordinances with limited punitive provisions, and to call upon the Japanese garrison when he may deem it necessary. In case of his absence or disability his duties will devolve upon the commander of the garrison or the director-general, as he may designate.

The principal officials under the resident-general are to be a director-general; a director of agriculture, commercial, and industrial affairs; a director of communications, and a director of police affairs. There is added a large staff of secretaries, engineers, clerks, experts, and police. These are to be attached to the residency-general or detailed to the different residencies.

I have, etc.,

Huntington Wilson.