The Secretary of State to
the Japanese Ambassador.
Department of State,
Washington, November 30,
No. 18.]
Excellency: Referring to the department’s note
No. 17, of the 23d instant, on the subject of the proposed arrangement
between the Governments of the United States and Japan regarding the
reciprocal exemption from inspection in either country of the merchant
vessels of the other, I have the honor to inclose herewith, for your
information, a copy of a letter from the Secretary of Commerce and
Labor, inclosing a copy of an order, issued by him, exempting vessels of
the Empire of Japan from all inspection made under the
Steamboat-Inspection Service, except such as is necessary to satisfy the
local inspectors that the condition of the vessel, her boilers, and life
[Page 994]
saving equipments are as
stated in the current Japanese certificate of inspection, in accordance
with the provisions of section 4400 of the Revised Statutes of the
United States.
Accept, etc.,
The Secretary of Commerce and
Labor to the Secretary of
Department of Commerce and Labor,
Washington, November 24, 1906.
Sir: Receipt is acknowledged of your letter
of November 23, 1906, relative to the proposed reciprocal
arrangement between the United States and the Empire of Japan as to
the inspection of steamships and of the accompanying copy of a note
from the Japanese ambassador transmitting the translation of an
ordinance issued by the Japanese minister of state for
communications, exempting vessels of the United States from
inspection as stated therein.
In response thereto I have the honor to state that necessary measures
have been taken by this department to insure to vessels of Japan a
similar exemption from the operation of the steamboat-inspection
laws of the United States, and I inclose herewith copy of an
order,a in the
usual form, to be issued by this department November 26, 1906,
exempting vessels of the Empire of Japan from all inspection made
under the Steamboat-Inspection Service, except such as is necessary
to satisfy the local inspectors that the condition of the vessel,
her boilers and life-saving equipments are as stated in the current
Japanese certificate of inspection, in accordance with the
provisions of section 4400 of the Revised Statutes of the United
I may add that telegraphic notice of this order will be sent to the
officers of the Steamboat-Inspection Service on the Pacific coast
simultaneously with the issuance of the order.
Very respectfully,