The Secretary of State to the Japanese Chargé.
Washington, April 18, 1906.
Sir: Referring to your note No. 21, of the 3d instant, stating that your Government desires to establish a reciprocal exemption of steamboat inspection as between the vessels of the United States and Japan, under the provisions of section 4400 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, and that the Japanese Government is prepared to issue orders exempting American vessels from inspection upon the assurance that the United States Government will issue similar orders exempting Japanese vessels, I have the honor to inform you that the department has received a letter, dated the 12th instant, from the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, in which he says:
I have the honor to give the assurance, under the terms of section 4400 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, that as soon as an order shall have been issued by the proper authorities of the Empire of Japan exempting steamers of this country in all ports of the Empire of Japan from inspection other than is necessary to establish the fact that the condition of the vessel and her boilers and life-saving equipment are as stated in her current certificate, this department, upon being informed in the usual manner of said action by the Japanese authorities, will at once issue an order granting similar exemption in the ports of the United States to steamers of the Empire of Japan.
Accept, etc.,