The Italian Ambassador to the Secretary of State.
Washington, December 30, 1906.
Mr. Secretary of State: As I had the honor of informing your excellency, the Italian Government no longer requires the certificate of microscopical examination of American pork products imported into the Kingdom.
This concession was brought about by a communication of the American embassy at Rome which made it known at the proper time that the microscopical examination of cured meats for export had been discontinued, and that in consequence the “purple certificate” was no longer in use and had been superseded by the “white certificate,” in which, while the soundness of the animals and the constant observance of the rules laid down for the preparation of their meats are attested, no reference is made to microscopical examination.
This guaranty being deemed sufficient, the ministry of the interior has directed that the visé of the royal consular agents, mentioned in the royal decree of March 31, 1898, shall be affixed, henceforth, to the new certificates (white certificates) that are to be issued, in every case of shipment, by the federal inspector in the form and manner indicated in the American act of June 30, 1906, and the administration regulations relative thereto.
Accept, etc.,