Ambassador Thompson to the Secretary of State.


President Diaz has given me further the following telegrams, all of which I repeat, thinking it best that President Roosevelt should know in detail all that has passed between here, Guatemala, and Salvador:

Guatemala, July 17, 1906.

President of the Republic of Mexico:

Having taken note of your excellency’s telegram of this date, I have ordered that at the hour of dawn to-morrow, the 18th, all movement be stopped; the same were stopped this morning at Metapan, but these Salvadorians attacked us at Platanar. I hope to have reciprocity in armistice tomorrow. I renew to your excellency my high consideration.

M. Estrada C.

Mexico, July 17.

His Excellency Manuel Estrada Cabrera,
President of the Republic of Guatemala:

I am advised by President Escalon that armistice shall be observed from the hour of dawn to-morrow; that he has already given instructions in that sense and that if any fighting has been done by his troops the same has been defensive.

Porfirio Diaz.

San Salvador, July 18.

President Diaz:

Your message relating to armistice received Topstoay at 8.30 a.m.

I immediately ordered the suspension of all hostilities, but about 9 o’clock yesterday the Salvadorian camp at Metapan was assaulted by the enemy, now within our territory, and the fight continued with diverse results, until 12.40 of the same day, at which hour the Guatemalans raised a flag of truce and the armistice was agreed upon, at night, covering all that section. To-day at 7 o’clock a.m. the Salvadorian camp at Platanar was attacked, the same being on Guatemalan territory, the attack being made with sufficient artillery and many reinforcements, and almost at the same time I received your excellency’s message of yesterday, and was informed of another message from the American legation at Guatemala to the American legation at this place. In both cablegrams I am advised that all hostilities will be stopped from the hour of dawn of the 18th instant. The Salvadorian troops have not taken an offensive attitude, except out of strategic necessity, provoked by the enemy. Cabrera has tried, owing to the armistice agreed upon yesterday at Metapan, to take the camp at Platanar by surprise and rout the same. I have already dictated orders I am willing to accept the new armistice proposed for to-morrow, the 18th, and I have so instructed my subordinates.

Your friend,


Mexico, July 17.

His Excellency Pedro Jose Escalon,
President of the Republic of Salvador:

I am advised by President Cabrera that my telegram fixing the 18th shall be observed, and I have promised him that the Salvadorian troops will do the same.

Porfirio Diaz.

Mexico, July 18.

His Excellency Pedro Jose Escalon,
President of the Republic of Salvador:

Have just received your excellency’s message, in which you have been pleased to inform me of the bases you will propose at the conference, or conferences, to [Page 848] be held at an early date on board the Marblehead. I consider all of them equitable, and hope the same view may be taken by the Presidents of Guatemala and Honduras.

I am at this moment instructing Minister Gamboa to attend said conference, if agreeable to the high-contracting parties.

Porfirio Diaz.

Mexico, July 18.

His Excellency Manuel Estrada Cabrera,
President of the Republic of Guatemala:

I sincerely appreciate your excellency’s acceptance which has honored my friendly intervention, and I trust that the armistice initiated shall end with an honorable peace for the three republics which had unfortunately merged into a state of war. I have on this date authorized Minister Gamboa to attend the conferences to be held on board the Marblehead.

Porfirio Diaz.

Mexico, July 18.

Minister F. Gamboa,
Mexican Legation, Guatemala.

An armistice having been concerted between the armies of Guatemala, Salvador, and Honduras, said three governments will enter into peace negotiations through commissioners, who will convene on board the Marblehead. I understand that the three desire that their conference be attended by the representatives of the United States at Guatemala and Salvador, and by that of Mexico at Guatemala. If so, do as they desire, with all the precaution that such exceptional case will require. The above authority will be confirmed to you through the Department of Foreign Affairs.

Porfirio Diaz.

D. E. Thompson.