Ambassador Thompson to the Secretary of State.
Mexico, July 19, 1906.
The following messages I repeat, thinking they may be of interest in connection with previous ones:
Guatemala, July 17, 1906.
President Diaz, Mexico:
I have the pleasure to inform your excellency that the armistice agreed upon through your humane and estimable mediation has commenced since the hour of dawn to-day; and on behalf of the interests of Central America I will appreciate if your excellency will continue to lend your valuable assistance, authorizing your minister to the end that with your excellency’s representation he may attend the peace conference to commence to-morrow, on board the Marblehead. Kindly give me an early reply.
Estrada Cabrera.
San Salvador, July 18, 1906.
His Excellency Porfirio
President of the Republic
of Mexico, Mexico:
Your message in which you inform me that Cabrera will honor your telegram fixing the hour of dawn to-day, the 18th, has just been received, at nine o’clock a.m. I had beforehand given orders to comply with your wishes for my part the same as I did with the previous armistice of the 16th.
P. José Escalon.
I have a long message from Salvador to President Diaz setting forth basis of settlement to be exacted by Salvador. Thinking that likely the same thing has been sent to Washington I will not code and repeat, unless it is desired.