Mr. Leishman to Mr. Hay.
Constantinople, April 1, 1904.
Sir: Referring to the voluminous correspondence regarding the vexed question of the schools, etc., I regret to have to advise that the Sublime Porte has finally declined to take favorable action despite its numerous promises to the contrary.
The language employed, although scrupulously avoiding the word “no,” leaves no room for doubt of the Porte’s determination to withhold from American institutions the rights and privileges that have been granted to similar institutions under the protection of the French and other European nations.
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As every ordinary means has been exhausted in my efforts to induce the Imperial Ottoman Government to take favorable action upon our fair and just demands that American religious, educational, and charitable institutions in Turkey be granted the same rights and privileges as have been granted to similar institutions under the protection of other nations, a right guaranteed us by treaty, I can only refer the question to the Department and ask that I be instructed as to what further steps you desire taken and the exact language you wish me to hold.
I have, etc.,