Award of the commission of arbitration under the provisions of the protocol of January 31, 1903, between the United States of America and the Dominican Republic for the settlement of the claims of the San Domingo Improvement Company, of New York, and its allied companies

[236] [Untitled]

[237] Mr. Hay to Mr. Dawson.

[238] Mr. Dawson to Mr. Hay.

[239] Mr. Dawson to Mr. Hay.

[240] Mr. Dawson to Mr. Hay.

[241] Mr. Hay to Mr. Dawson.

[242] Mr. Dawson to Mr. Hay.

[243] Mr. Dawson to Mr. Hay.

[244] Mr. Dawson to Mr. Hay.

[245] Mr. Dawson to Mr. Hay.

[246] Mr. Dawson to Mr. Hay.

[247] Mr. Loomis to Mr. Dawson.

[248] Mr. Dawson to Mr. Hay.