Mr. Jackson to Mr. Hay.
Athens, May 14, 1904.
Bulgarian series.]
Sir: Although the Comitadges continue to be active on a small scale and there are more or less frequent reports of encounters between small bands and Turkish troops, it can not be denied that the reforms introduced by Russia and Austria and the recent Turkish-Bulgarian agreement have brought about comparative tranquillity in Macedonia, even if both the reforms and the agreement are as yet but partially and imperfectly effective. In returning to Athens from Belgrade I felt no hesitation in traveling by way of Uskub and Salonika.* * * Turkish soldiers (frequently Albanians) were present at every station and at all the tunnels, bridges, etc., but so [Page 114] far as could be seen from the train the country seemed to be peaceful, the peasants happy and good-natured, and the fields generally under cultivation. It does not seem probable that any general outbreak will take place this year.
Recently Servian and Bulgarian students have exchanged visits—the Bulgarians having been in Belgrade while I was there a few days ago, and having been received with a good deal of enthusiasm—and only a day or two ago there was a meeting between the Prince of Bulgaria on his way to Europe, and the King of Servia at Nisch.
I have, etc.,